{{ :en:group:members:rimg_giovanni1.jpg|Portrait of Giovanni}} Giovanni was born in Trento (Italy) a long time ago. He graduated in [[http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/|physics]] at the [[http://www.univ.trieste.it/|University of Trieste]] (Italy), with a thesis on the electronic structure of semiconductor heterojunctions under the direction of Prof. Baldereschi and Prof. Peressi. After completing his civil service replacing the obligatory military service, he joined the group of Prof. [[http://www.democritos.it/|Baroni]] at the International School of Advanced Studies ([[http://www.sissa.it/|SISSA]]) where he worked in the field of computational material science for one year. In 1998, after getting married, he joined the Institute of [[http://itp.epfl.ch/|Physics]] of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ([[http://www.epfl.ch/|EPFL]]) where he spent four years studying transition metal oxides from first principle calculations. He completed his thesis under the supervision of Dr. Posternak and obtained his PhD in physics on December 2002. A brand new season of his life started as he joined Algo first as the system administrator and finally also as a PostDoc. He is presently working on practical applications of the Raptor code. In particular, he developed visual didactic demos for illustrating the power of Raptor code for file delivery (see {{:en:output:imagedemo.mov|this}} screencast). He also developed a raptor-based file transfer and stream server/client system (screencast {{:en:output:ftpdemo.mov|here}} . The streaming system was used to demo a solution for live IPTV. The demo live IPTV system is now being redesigned and re-implemented to match the need of an almost real-product system. See a presentation of the intermediate prototype system [[en:group:seminars:20081211|here]]. Whenever he has some free time (almost never) Giovanni also works on [[http://slideshot.epfl.ch/|slideshot]], his integrated system for publishing lectures and seminars on the web. In the mean time, Giovanni bacame the proud father of Gaia and Sara. See their pictures and blog (in italian) at "saga dot cangiani dot name". ---- dataentry member ---- title : Dr. fullname : Giovanni Cangiani link_title : en:group:members:giovanni|Giovanni Cangiani birthday_dt : 1969-08-20 join_dt : 2004-09-01 left_dt :2018-01-31 webpage_url : https://www.linkedin.com/in/giovannicangiani/|Giovanni Cangiani portrait_media : en:group:members:rimg_giovanni1.jpg avatar_img64 : en:group:members:rimg_giovanni1.jpg email_mail : giovanni.cangiani@epfl.ch tel : +41 21 693 75 26 position : Engineer listgroup : c_cangiani state : past table : members Summary : Giovanni was born in Trento (Italy) a long time ago. He graduated in [[http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/|physics]] at the [[http://www.univ.trieste.it/|University of Trieste]] (Italy), with a thesis on the electronic structure of semiconductor heterojunctions under the direction of Prof. Baldereschi and Prof. Peressi.After completing his civil service replacing the obligatory military service, he joined the group of Prof. [[http://www.democritos.it/|Baroni]] at the International School of Advanced Studies ([[http://www.sissa.it/|SISSA]]) where he worked in the field of computational material science for one year.In 1998, after getting married, he joined the Institute of [[http://itp.epfl.ch/|Physics]] of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ([[http://www.epfl.ch/|EPFL]]) where he spent four years studying transition metal oxides from first principle calculations. He completed his thesis under the supervision of Dr. Posternak and obtained his PhD in physics on December 2002.A brand new season of his life started as he joined Algo first as the system administrator and finally also as a PostDoc. ----