{{ :en:group:members:rimg_yuval.jpg|Portrait of Yuval}} [[http://ycassuto.eew.technion.ac.il/|personal home page]] Yuval was a post-doc at ALGO between 09/10-08/11. He worked on efficient graph codes for storage applications, as well as other constructive and algorithmic frameworks for data storage. From ALGO he continued to a faculty position at the EE Department of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. In addition to great research collaborations and friendly lab mates, the Swiss views and Lausanne atmosphere make his future visits to the group highly likely. ---- dataentry member ---- title :Dr. fullname : Yuval Cassuto webpage_url : http://ycassuto.eew.technion.ac.il/|Yuval Cassuto avatar_img64 : en:group:members:rimg_yuval.jpg email_mail : yuval.cassuto@epfl.ch tel : +41 21 693 7581 position : Post-Doc listgroup : c_cassuto state : past table : members left_dt : 2011-08-31 summary: Yuval was a post-doc at ALGO between 09/10-08/11. He worked on efficient graph codes for storage applications, as well as other constructive and algorithmic frameworks for data storage. From ALGO he continued to a faculty position at the EE Department of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. In addition to great research collaborations and friendly lab mates, the Swiss views and Lausanne atmosphere make his future visits to the group highly likely. ----