/* sortweight 6 */ The following software was developed in our lab and is publicly available. * [[en:output:software:animated_algo|Animated algorithms]], a semester project done by Marcelo Fernandez. This provides animated versions of some of the algorithms covered in the algorithmique course; * [[http://xcast.ch/|Xcast]], a podcast client and rss aggregator for Mac OS X written by [[en:group:members:zeno|Zeno]]. * Raptor [[en:output:software:raptor_live_tv0|Live TV client]]. A Raptor protected Live TV viewer that was made available to people working at EPFL for watching the European Footbal Cup. You can see it working in final part of {{:en:output:raptorontheplane.mov|this movie}} * Raptor [[en:output:software:raptor_tv_proxy|TV Proxy]]. An rtsp proxy using raptor code for protecting the video stream against packet loss. * Raptor Image Demo. A didactic program for experimenting with file delivery to multiple clients without feedback. A tiled image represent the file being transmitted and every tile of the image an internet packet. The user can simulate random losses and compare between 3 different FEC codes (carousel, Reed-Solomon, and Raptor). Have a look to {{:en:output:imagedemo.mov|this screencast}} for more details. * Raptor FTP Proxy Demo. A demostrative program where the user can compare the speed of HTTP (TCP) versus our own FTP protocol based on Raptor FEC for file transfer over the internet. See a {{:en:output:ftpdemo.mov|screencast here}}. * {{http://slideshot.epfl.ch|Slideshot}} is a system for publishing seminars and lectures on-line.