---- dataentry project ---- title : Lattices reduction, LLL algorithm and applications contactname: Bertrand Meyer contactmail_mail: bertrand.meyer@epfl.ch contacttel: 021-693-1294 contactroom: BC 128 type : bachelor semester state : completed created_dt : 2009-09-17 taken_dt : completed_dt : 2010-6-14 by : Etienne Helfer output_media : table : projects ====== template:datatemplates:project ---- {{:en:projects:bachelor_semester:rapportetiennehelfer.pdf|Final report}} This project is devoted to understand one of the key algorithm of modern discrete mathematics. The LLL algorithm is today a standard tool to deal with lattices and is used in problems from pure and applied mathematics. You will be asked * to understand how the algorithm is working, * study some of its applications (factoring polynomials, linear algebra over the integer ring, application to coding theory) * implement them by yourself. Prerequisites: * Good mathematical aptitude (Algebra and number theory especially)