---- dataentry project ---- title : Randomized and Deterministic Primality Testing contactname: Ghid Maatouk contactmail_mail: ghid.maatouk@epfl.ch contacttel: 021-693-12-05 contactroom: BC 128 type : bachelor semester state : completed created_dt : 2009-06-08 taken_dt : 2009-06-15 completed_dt : 2010-01-13 by : Monica Perrenoud output_media : table : projects ====== template:datatemplates:project ---- In this project, you will learn about primality testing, that is, the problem of determining whether a given number is a prime. For many years, it was not known whether this problem had a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm, but in 2004, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena gave such an algorithm for primality testing in their paper "Primes is in P". The project involves understanding and implementing a well-known and efficient randomized algorithm, the Rabin-Miller primality testing algorithm, and understanding the deterministic AKS algorithm. Prerequisites: algebra and basic number theory. {{:en:projects:bachelor_semester:randomized_and_deterministic_primality_testing.pdf|Randomized and Deterministic Primality Testing}}