---- dataentry project ---- title : Expectation Propagation Decoding contactname: Masoud Alipour contactmail_mail: masoud.alipour@epfl.ch contacttel: 021 6937529 contactroom: BC 150 type : master semester state : unavailable created_dt : 2009-06-03 taken_dt : completed_dt : by : output_media : table : projects ====== template:datatemplates:project ---- **Expectation Propagation** is a method for approximate inference in Graphical Models. The aim of this project is to treat the tanner graph of LDPC code as a graphical model and to use EP technique for decoding. The proportion of theoretical and empirical (programming, simulation) work in this project is 40-60 percent. Requirement: * Good familiarity with basic probability theory * Good programming skills in Matlab and/or C/C++ What will you learn * LDPC codes * Learning and Inference in Graphical Models * Expectation Propagation * Fast implementation of approximate inference in graphical models Suggested Readings and References * [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/minka/papers/ep/|Thomas Minka's EP page]] * [[http://videolectures.net/abi07_walsh_cip/|A Completed Information Projection Interpretation of Expectation Propagation]]