---- dataentry project ---- title : Compression Algorithms contactname: Ghid Maatouk contactmail_mail: ghid.maatouk@epfl.ch contacttel: 021-693-12-05 contactroom: BC 128 type : master semester state : completed created_dt : 2009-06-08 taken_dt : completed_dt : 2010-06-04 by : Ludovic Favre output_media : table : projects ====== template:datatemplates:project ---- Data compression is the process of representing data into less bits than its original representation, thus leading to a more efficient representation. In this project, you will understand and implement some well-known algorithms for data compression, Huffman coding and the Lempel-Ziv algorithm. Prerequisites: good programming skills in C/C++. {{:en:projects:master_semester:rapport_favre_ludovic.pdf|Compression Algorithms}}