Introduction to Coding Theory

Lecture notes and exercise sheets can be found here.

This course is an introduction to algebraic coding theory. Topics covered will include

The course consists of one weekly lecture (90 minutes on Thursdays from 13:15 to 15:00pm, given by Amin Shokrollahi) and one weekly exercise session (90 minutes on Thursdays from 15:15 to 17:00pm, given by Bertrand Meyer). The course and the exercises will be in English. Grading is based on the final exam.

Office hours : On appointment by email ( Room BC 128

Other relevant material will be advertised in the class.


Written exam. Date : June 30 2011. Time : 8:15am-11:15am. Place: CM3. Duration : 3h. No material allowed except a recto-verso handwritten A4 cheat-sheet.

Exam with solutions