Contact: Luoming Zhang
Room: BC 158
Tel: 021-693-13-13
Email: luoming [dot] zhang [at] epfl [dot] ch
With the growing demand for the data capacity in the consumer electronic devices, more powerful error corrcting mechanism for protecting the datas is needed. As we known, Raptor codes has achieved great success in the communication world. The similarity between the megnetic readback channel and the communication channel makes us believe that raptor codes also could be used for protecting datas in the storage systems, especially for the consumer electronic, where there is more data-reading than data-writing.
In the project, you have to analyze the possibility of using rator codes in the modern consumer electronic devices subjecting to the contemporary mechanism of recording and reading. Investigation of the error models for varieties of consumer electronic devices, such as cd, hard disk, SDD, are needed. For master students, you have to design a scheme on how to use the raptor codes in the consumer electronic devices and compare the performance after using raptor codes.
Prerequisites: good knowledge in digital communication;familiar with the mechanism of the modern storage devices; at least one programming language, c or matlab is preferred.