An Introduction to Coding Theory

This course is an introduction to algebraic coding theory. Topics covered will include

  • Linear algebraic codes
  • First examples: Golay and RM codes
  • Reed-Solomon codes and their (list)-decoding algorithms
  • Efficient decoding: the displacement method
  • Codes from algebraic geometry
  • Codes over rings
  • Expander graphs and expander codes

The course consists of on weekly lectures (90 minutes, given by Amin Shokrollahi) and one weekly exercise session (90 minutes, given by Frederic Didier). The course and the exercises will be in English. Students are supposed to take scribes which will be put on the web. Grading is based on the final exam and the quality of the scribes. For a thorough study of modern, non-algebraic codes, we highly recommend the class Modern Coding Theory by Professor Urbanke.

  • Theory of Error Correcting Codes by F.J. MacWilliams and N. Sloane
  • Introduction to Coding Theory by J.H. van Lint

Other relevant material will be advertised in the class.


  • Thursdays 13:15 - 15:00 at MA31 (lecture)
  • Thursdays 15:15-17:00 at MA31 (exercise)