Bertrand graduated from ENS Cachan and obtained his doctorat (PhD) in November 2008 at Université de Bordeaux under the supervision of Renaud Coulangeon. His background is pure mathematics : lattices and number theory in particular. After a visit in the group of Alexander Schrijver and Monique Laurent at CWI Amsterdam, he joined ALGO/LMA as a postdoc in September 09.
- title:
- Dr.
- fullname:
- Bertrand Meyer
- left:
- 2011-08-31
- webpage:
- Bertrand Meyer
- portrait:
- rimg_meyer.jpg
- avatar:
- email:
- bertrand [dot] meyer [at] epfl [dot] ch
- tel:
- +41 21 693 1204
- position:
- Post-Doc
- listgroup:
- c_meyer
- state:
- past
- table:
- members
- Summary:
- Bertrand graduated from ENS Cachan and obtained his doctorat (PhD) in November 2008 at Université de Bordeaux under the supervision of Renaud Coulangeon. His background is pure mathematics : lattices and number theory in particular. After a visit in the group of Alexander Schrijver and Monique Laurent at CWI Amsterdam, he joined ALGO/LMA as a postdoc in September 09.